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General Tyres 245/70R17

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General Tyres

General is an American tyre brand which has been enjoying great recognition among drivers. The expansion of General tyres would not be possible hadit not been for the effective work of its engineers whose inventions were the driving force of the tyre industry many times. The brand's tyres are characterised by their high quality of workmanship based on advanced technology and rubber mixtures of top quality. General tyres mean safety, comfort and long tyre life.

245/70 R17 Tyres

The tyres in size 245/70 R17 are installed in SUV, 4x4 and off-road cars. The first number is the exact tyre's tread width in millimetres. The next number is the tyre's profile height in percentage which amounts exactly 70% out of 245 millimetres of the tyre's tread width. The capital "R" means that the tyre is based on the radial construction. The number placed in the last position is the diameter of the wheel's rim in inches which can be installed with the tyre in size 245/70 R17.You will find the right tyre model in size 245/70 R17 in our offer.

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