Every driver of ATV vehicles (All Terrain Vehicle, popularly known as a quad) knows that one of the most important things in any vehicle is a properly chosen set of wheels.

Well-chosen tyres improve the safety and comfort of driving (photo: yamaha-motor.eu).

Depending on what surface you want to rive on, you should use a dedicated type of tread. Fitting tyres which are adequate to the needs has a positive impact on manoeuvrability, traction and smooth cornering. This is also of great importance in terms of braking, which directly translates into a level of safety.

Road tyres

The first group are road tyres – dedicated for drivers who prefer driving a sport quad on asphalt. This type of tyre, as in the case of tyres for cars, is intended to guarantee sufficient grip on both dry and wet surface.

What's very important when selecting road tyres is to pay attention to the road approval (approval for use on public roads). Don't forget about this because most ATV tyres don't have such an approval.

Popular models of road tyres are Duro DI2020 Scorcher and Journey P354.

Universal tyres

Another group are universal tyres perfect for driving on dry gravel and forest roads. These are the most versatile tyres that can cope well with any type of not too challenging terrain. They are mainly used in quads with rear-wheel drive and the tread itself has a rather delicate construction (usually 2-layer and 4-layer tyres).

These are examples of the best-known models of this type: Duro DI2025 Power Grip, ITP Terracross or Journey P350.

Off-road tyres

The last, most challenging group are off-road tyres dedicated to driving in difficult conditions. Such tyres are usually chosen by experienced drivers of high-powered utility quads looking for adventure on the most demanding surfaces. These tyres usually have a very high tread with increased durability (6-layer and 8-layer). Their advantage is undoubtedly a very quick self-cleaning process.

The most popular examples of this category are the following models: Duro DI2010 Buffalo, ITP Mude Lite AT/XL, Journey P351 (all tyres suitable for driving in the mud) or ITP Sand Star (a tyre dedicated for driving in sandy areas).

Off-road tyres have high tread of increased durability (photo: kawasaki.com).

In the case of tyres dedicated to ATV quadricycles it is very important to choose carefully. The purchased product must meet the needs of the user in 100%, must be chosen reasonably and consciously. ATV tyres are very diverse in their applications and depending on the type you choose, they can radically change the application of your quad. A sports quad equipped with typical road tyres will be suitable for completely different tasks than a utility quad with strictly off-road tyres. Before purchase it is worth considering in which places the ATV will be mainly used, and what types of surfaces it will be dealing with.

Check out our range of quad tyres